Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sailing Through the Caribbean Towards Home

The library always posts the currency rate and short phrases for each new country we visit. Everyone is having fun with our next new port!
The kids have been enjoying time at the pool.

We will miss Perry so much. He's our favorite waiter on the ship and always has a kind word for us. We love talking with him each day.
We got together for once last family dinner with our Extended Family. We have really enjoyed getting to know our four new "kids." We celebrated by eating a delicious chocolate ice cream cake I ordered from the kitchen.

Although it was quite large, we managed to eat every last bit!

The Children's Bulletin Board contained pictures the kids drew of home.
My favorite sign all semester was the Turn Back Your Clock sign. Because we sailed west around the globe, we got to set our clocks back an hour fairly regularly. This was fantastic! Just when everyone was too exhausted for words, we got a free hour's sleep!
I took a photo of the pictures the kids had drawn with the collage class. They were to have focused on one of the countries we visited, but the younger boys decided to draw a rocket ship instead!

Our family was completely surprised by a baby shower for our new Ethiopian daughter. The families had conspired to throw a party for us and it was lovely! We had a wonderful Oreo Ice Cream Cake, lots of warm wishes, and beautiful presents from Africa and Brazil. Our little gal will be dressed in style!

The Life Long Learner and the college students who have organized PE for the kids all semester arranged for a ship-wide scavenger hunt for the kids. Afterward, they treated the kids to popcorn, candy and sodas on the pool deck. Our kids have had so much fun with this group!

We'll miss our name tags outside our room doors--but not the key to get in the doors or the weight of the doors!
Steve played in one of the final drum circles out on the yoga deck.
Inside the kids ate their traditional dinner of way too many carbs. In the final photo, Barek attempts to hide his white bread toast from me.

One of the teenage girls had a birthday party and we worked with the security guard to allow them to have a sleepover on the deck. It started raining and they came in during the middle of the night.
The next day, all the kids had a cookie-decorating party. I showed up 20 minutes late and the cookies were already decorated and devoured.

The big event of the semester is the Ambassador Ball, a fancy dinner, followed by dessert and a dance.

We got dressed up and went to a fancy dinner in one of the dining rooms.

Some people followed the Brazil Carnival theme closer than we did!
The dessert bars were spectacular.

Everyone was impressed by the beauty of the desserts. The ship looked gorgeous!


  1. Thank you thank you for keeping this blog! It was so enjoyable to participate in your voyage.
    Welcome Home!

  2. Welcome home! My wife and I sent our son on your voyage! He was not blogging, but through your words we got the chance to be updated and your marvelous videos brought everything into our living rooms. Thank you so much!!!

  3. I am so glad you like the blog! Thank you for your kind words!!!
