Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sea Olympics

The opening ceremonies the night before the Sea Olympics was loud and raucous. One of the first events of the day was Crab Soccer. Charis and Barek represented our team, the Salty Sea Monkeys.

They did a great job on the soccer court--and iced down their hands afterwards. Everyone who played now has huge blisters on their palms.

Asher cheers on a teammate in the limbo competition. A huge crowd gathers for tug-of-war--so the kids take advantage of the empty pool for a swim.

The Salty Sea Monkey girls do a version of "We Are Family" for the lip-synching competition. The Synchronized Swimming event was one of the most popular. The entire day was filled with so much energy and spirit! 600 students on a ship need to burn off energy--and they did just that today!

Partway through the day, the crew ran their lifesaving drill. They threw a dummy overboard, turned the ship around, lowered a lifeboat into the water and saved the dummy. If you click on the third photo to enlarge it, you might be able to see the dummy next to the lifeboat.

The girls did a great job with their recycled outfit made of trashbags. Another team made an outfit of water bottles. Our "son", Richard, acquitted himself well in the pull-up competition.

Asher was a part of the big relay. For his leg of the relay, he had to drink a large cup of water and then flip the cup from upside down to right side up on the table. His three teammates--two lifelong learners and the ship psychologist--had to do the same. Asher was the anchor for the team and power-walked the traveling T-shirt across the ship for the final leg of the relay.
The video clips are of Opening Ceremonies, Crab Soccer, Lip-Synch Competition, and Asher in Action.

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